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Boating Bites


6 ways of getting your dose of Blue Mind whilst in isolation

Writer's picture: Nicky VauxNicky Vaux

Updated: Aug 25, 2021

There has been much research done around the effect that being in, on or around water has on our brains and it is incredibly beneficial. Those of you lucky enough to have been out on a boat at some time in your life would have felt the sensation of time slowing down, of a sense of calmness washing over you (well as long as it wasn't too choppy that is!) , a feeling of happiness and even feeling healthier. A few hours out on a boat can feel like whole weekend away and can in fact improve our perfomance at work - no really. When we are in isolation going out on a boat is simply not an option - so what can we do to get our "blue mind" hit?

1. Read/Listen to the book Blue Mind

First of all you need to believe what I am talking about so...Wallace J Nichols has written the book "Blue Mind" : The surprising science that shows how being near, in, on or under water can make you happier, healthier, more connected and better at what you do. It's available on Audible HERE to listen too - and he has a lovely calm voice so that makes it even better or or you can buy it to read online HERE

2. Have a long shower with your favourite products - preferably ones you have used on your boat too.

Now there are two things that come into play here - firstly the recollection of a scent by the brain can take you straight back to a location so if you have a shampoo or shower gel you use on your boat this will immediately make you feel like you are there. Secondly have you ever noticed your best business ideas pop into your head in the shower? What can I say - Blue Mind strikes again.

3. Compile a photo book of the best times you've had out on a boat/at the beach/anywhere by the water.

Escape to a scene under the Ocean in a virtual headset, pick the water based courtse on Mario Cart on your

Wii or practice parking your boat/PWC on the "Boatmaster" App on your phone e e l boring, so use it to get some things done that you have been meaning to do forever. Whether you create a photobook of one year or deliberately just hunt for waterside photos just looking at these will make you feel better. You can even use these as gifts for the family...a wonderful gift to create and send without going out to the shops.

4. Search You Tube for water based videos.

From snorkelling to sailing, from surfing to fishing it's all out there for you to enjoy in your lounge room. The amount of video available for us all to see is incredible - you can even watch some videos made by yours truly HERE or on my IGTV Instagram HERE

5. Get into virtual reality and water based games.

Escape to a scene under the Ocean in a virtual headset, pick the water based court on Mario Cart on you Wii or practice parking your boat/PWC on the "Boatmaster" App on your phone HERE

6. Read Ocean Magazine.

This beautifully stylish magazine is positively oozing with photos of water and of course specifically of boats in the water. You can subscribe to the printed version and have it delivered to your postbox to enjoy or if digital is more you you can get the digital subscription FREE until January 2022 by going HERE and entering the code THEBOATPRINCESS.

Also check out my IGTV on @theboatprincess for boat tours at Boat Shows for some Blue Mind moments.

I hope these simple tips are fun to follow. For many of us thank goodness Isolation has been for our and others safety and has not involved getting Covid. For others it has meant suffering with this terrible virus. However this virus has affected you I send my love and hugs, lets hope its over for all of us soon.

The Boat Princess



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