5 things to consider when choosing a marina.
Choosing the right marina can make the world of difference to your boating lifestyle.
Here are just 5 of the things you need to consider when selecting one for your boat.

What services do they have on side to maintain your boat?
Some marinas only have boat storage (berths, moorings and maybe drystack) others have services on site. Services like fuel, ice and pump out should be the absolute minimum you seek in a marina, but a great marina has tenancies with services like marine electricians, mechanics, painters, detailers, trimmers and shipwrights. If they do they will have some way of getting your boat out of the water too - which if she is suddenly taking on water can actually save her too. But the other savings you make are time and money. If contractors have to travel to you to take care of what maintenance and issues need to be dealt with, they will charge you travel each time at their hourly rates - and of course they are less likely to prioritise you if you are harder to get to....or you will have to go to them - which costs fuel and time and maybe a captain...
How experienced are their staff?
Owning a boat, especially if you are new to it is a whole new learning curve. Having an experienced team at the marina means you can seek advice, guidance and even a little help getting into the berth. Make sure when you tour a marina you are looking at that you understand the level of experience the team have.
Does their location have limited access? Ie. tides, bridges that will restrict your usage.
If the marina you choose is tidal you need to understand if there are limitations to the use of your boat accordingly. Nothing makes boating less enjoyable than HAVING to get back to the marina because it will soon be too shallow to do so. Bridges in the area you boat in may actually determine the type of boat you buy. A sedan boat may be a better option than a flybridge in your area. Or of course choosing a marina one side of a height restricted bridge rather than the other...
What is their parking like?
It is rare that we go to our boat with nothing. In fact it's usually a large collection of food, drinks, swimmers, towels and toys. So, make sure parking is close by and plentiful. Also make sure there isn't restricted parking which will limit use of your boat - a 2 hour parking street zone completely kills the fun to be had (or may just be another expense you have to allow for in tickets)
Are the boats exposed to wind, rain, water traffic?
The fetch, surrounding landscape and location of a marina determines the exposure your boat and your time in the marina to choppy water, wind and therefore comfort and ease of berthing. Is the marina passed by ferries regularly sending an energy water wave through the marina? Is there a long fetch exposing it to strong wind? The more sheltered and away from passing water traffic the marina is, the easier your berthing will be and the more pleasant your stay overnight if you choose to stay on your boat in the marina. PS That's another thing to check - can you sleep at the marina or not?

This conversation is with Jess Gatt the General Manager of Marine Pro Systems and Logix Group who is also a mum. She has a Medical Science degree and a deep passion for boats. She is married to her business partner, Brian, who she says is a clever electrician (and I agree with her). Together they have a genuine commitment to sharing their knowledge and research about the innovative corrosion products available for propulsion protection for various types of boats and they travel the world doing it.
Jess understands what her clients need to create efficiencies with the goal of reducing maintenance. Brian and Jess’s roles, as has technology, have evolved in the business, using their respective skills to solve complex problems with some very expensive tools. From scope metres, infra-red cameras and anodes for shaft drive and outboard engines, the investigation process analyses the issues such as pitting and metallic structure degradation.
Jess was travelling a lot prior to Covid and has big R&D projects in the pipe line and is the first to say she doesn’t always get it right with the juggle, but continues to strive to achieve a balance between her roles at home and her marine career.

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See you on the water soon.
Nicky xx
